Steven Day
In 2001 Steven stepped into database-driven web development and immediately discovered a talent and know-how for engineering solutions to communications and business problems. Even at this early stage in his career, he excelled and won accolades for custom browser-based software and workflow solutions within the higher education and healthcare spaces.
As WordPress emerged as the leading CMS, and Steven being a native PHP developer, he quickly began writing custom solutions within the WordPress framework empowering marketing websites to have the power of back-end software solutions, bridging the gap between business and customer.
Steven and Edwin joined forces in 2018, and they quickly realized this was the connection they had both been looking for. Burned-out by the slow-moving cog of the corporate system, Steven sought to be a part of something nimble which could respond to the quickly changing landscape of online technologies, while also keeping his ‘people first’ business philosophy intact. It could not have been a better fit, and Minerbox Interactive has been delivering creative technology solutions ever since.
Steven is an avid book and film nerd and loves all that has to do with story. He and his partner, Andréa, travel extensively and are constantly seeking places to experience new adventures. Together they are Disney fanatics, and visit Walt Disney World and Disneyland regularly, recording their adventures, blogging about the amazing food and fun, and encouraging others to respond to the call of wanderlust.