Holt’s Minerbox Bridges German Banking to U.S.
After three months of development, Minerbox is very proud to announce helping build and facilitate the functionality between MapleMark Bank and Raisin, a European Fintech company. MapleMark Bank is Raisin’s first partner bank in the United States to use their patented term deposit technology.
Founded in 1973, Raisin Bank has decades of experience behind it as a renowned German credit institution. The bank combines vision and expert advice with efficient solutions, especially in the processing of loan portfolios and accounts receivable from carefully selected borrowers. In 2005 the bank, then called MHB-Bank AG, became a subsidiary of the American investment firm Lone Star, with a particular focus on managing loan portfolios. The bank has been fully owned by Raisin GmbH since April 2019 and has operated under the name of Raisin Bank AG since August 2019. Innovative financial products are Raisin Bank’s main area of expertise.